The Peace Pole was planted and dedicated on Saturday, October 24, 1998. “May Peace Prevail on Earth” reads in 13 different languages on the Peace Pole at the center of the St Andrew Parish Millennium Garden. The faith community of St Andrew seriously believes that the request of St Francisí prayer: “Lord, make me a channel of your peaceÖ to love with all my soul” is the goal to welcome in a new millennium. Since the Peace Pole dedication on October 24, 1998, St Andrew parishioners have been asked to keep the way of peace as part of their daily life. After all, peace begins at home with you and me. As the new plantings around the Millennium Garden grow, parishioners are invited to visit this garden in prayer for peace at home and throughout our troubled world. Let this pole, surrounded by paver bricks in the shape of a cross, be a teaching moment for children and adults alike. We are called to model Christís example of love and peace in our everyday lives. This is often challenging and usually counter cultural, but we are not alone in this goal to promote peace. People worldwide are working for peace and justice as we prepare for the year 2000. Stop by the Information Center counter in the Chapel hallway for a Peace Pole Prayer (blue sheet) and language key. Let us pray “May Peace Prevail On Earth” as we get ready for the new millennium. Joe Soncrant Christian Service Coordinator.